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Home /Blog /QR Menus? 10 Reasons Why Restaurants Should Use Them

QR Menus? 10 Reasons Why Restaurants Should Use Them

Nairi BodroumianNairi Bodroumian
100 articles
BlogQr Menu Maker
6 min read
Someone takes a QR code with a smartphone.

How many people knew about QR codes before the pandemic?

Maybe a few tech-savvy folks, but for most restaurants, QR codes were a foreign concept before the pandemic began.

The pandemic surely shifted the way the food industry operates. And now, QR menus are becoming more and more common in restaurants.

But going fully digital can be difficult for restaurants that are used to running on paper menus.

That’s it’s important to analyze your current operation and determine whether or not QR menus are right for you.

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7 Ways You Can Know if Your Restaurant is Ready for a QR code Menu

Free photo technology concept wtih qr menu

Just because everyone else is jumping on the QR code bandwagon doesn’t mean it’s right for your restaurant. You must analyze and determine if you’re ready to switch.

Here are some ways you’ll know if your restaurant is ready for QR codes:

1. You have the latest technology

What technology do you currently have in your restaurant?

If you don’t have the latest technology, such as smartphones and tablets, then QR codes may not be right for you.

But buying tablets should not be a problem. It’s a one-time investment that you can use for various other purposes like reservations and ordering.

The number of tablets you’d need for your restaurant would depend on the size of your guest count and/or tables. Generally, one tablet per two to four tables is recommended.

2. You’re comfortable using new technology

Using a QR code system might seem daunting and confusing if you’re not tech-savvy.

Make sure you have someone comfortable with technology on board to help you manage the new digital menu system. If not, hiring a professional who can handle the transition would be ideal.

3. You have a good internet connection

QR codes rely on an internet connection, so make sure you have a reliable internet in your restaurant.

If not, it will be difficult to set up and use the QR code system. It’s best to test it out first before investing in QR code technology.

4. You have a good IT infrastructure

It’s important to have an IT infrastructure to handle the new digital menu system. Otherwise, you might run into problems while setting up the system.

Ensure you have a good IT infrastructure to handle the new technology.

Your IT Specialist can check the following:

• Network speed

• Bandwidth capacity

• Firewall settings

• Security protocols

• Server capacity

5. You understand how it works

Before implementing a QR code menu, ensure you know how the system works and what is needed to make it successful.

Talk to professionals or research online to be comfortable with the system before implementing it.

6. You have a good budget

Switching to a digital menu system can be expensive, so make sure you have enough money in your budget for the transition and any additional costs that may come up along the way.

Since it’s already the end of the year, you may want to plan your budget for next year to ensure you have enough money for the QR code system.

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7. Your customers are tech-savvy

If most of your customers are tech-savvy, then they’ll be more likely to use the QR code menu. But if not, you’ll need to educate them on how to use it.

These are signs that your restaurant is ready for a QR code menu. If you meet all these criteria, make sure you carefully plan your transition and have everything in place before launching the system.

Now that you know whether your restaurant is ready for QR codes, here are 10 reasons why your restaurant should consider using them.

Top Reasons to Use a QR Code for Your Restaurant

Free photo hands holding phone close up

1. Improved customer experience

Mobile users have increased over the past few years, and many of them prefer a digital menu.

By providing your customers with a QR code, they can easily scan and view the menu on their devices. This will reduce wait times and make ordering easier for your customers.

2. Increased revenue

QR codes can help you increase your sales by reducing order errors and providing customers with a seamless ordering experience.

With the help of technology, you can also track customer orders more accurately, increasing your revenue.

3. Reduce paper waste

Using QR codes can help reduce paper waste since your customers won’t need to print out menus or use physical menu cards.

This will save costs and help the environment, as well.

4. Increased customer safety

QR codes enable contactless ordering, reducing the risk of contamination and increasing customer safety.

It also allows customers to reduce physical contact with restaurant staff when ordering or making payments.

5. Easy setup

Setting up a QR menu doesn’t take much time or effort. All you need is a QR code generator and your digital menu, then you’re ready to go!

6. Low cost

QR codes can be generated for free, making them affordable for multiple restaurant menus.

7. Accessibility

Customers with certain disabilities or vision impairments may find it difficult to read printed menus. With a QR menu, they can easily access the same information with their phone’s screen reader feature.

8. Easier Updates

If prices or items on the menu change, it’s easy to make quick and seamless updates to the restaurant’s digital menu.

9. Increased engagement

QR codes allow you to engage with your customers in a new way. You can add videos, photos, or any other content that you think might be helpful to the customers.

10. Useful analytics

With QR codes, restaurants can track customer behavior and use the data to understand customers better and improve their sales strategies.

Bonus reason: Increased customer loyalty

Free photo young happy waitress serving food to guests in a restaurant

QR codes can help you get to know your customers better by tracking their orders and preferences. You can use this data to create personalized campaigns that will make them more likely to purchase from you in the future.

Trying a QR Code for the First Time

Digital menus are great for restaurant owners to provide an improved customer experience while reducing contact risk and staff time spent taking orders.

QR code menus are easy to set up, affordable, accessible, and green!

So if you think your restaurant is ready for a QR code restaurant menu, then don’t wait any longer and try a contactless menu. You won’t be disappointed!

Try a FREE QR menu now and make the switch today!

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